1980 - 1984 Conventions

The first two TCDA Conventions were held in Dallas, and all Conventions since have been held in San Antonio. Following is a recap of each Convention since 1955. This information was taken from Convention Programs and other archival references in the TCDA offices in Austin. Special thanks to former TCDA Executive Secretary J Marvin Pollard for gathering information from TCDA’s early years.

If you have any additional information that would make this TCDA Convention history more complete, please contact TCDA.

1955 - 1959 1960 - 1964 1965 - 1969 1970 - 1974 1975 - 1979 1980 - 1984
1985 - 1989 1990 - 1994 1995 - 1999 2000 - 2004 2005 - 2009 2010 - 2012
2013 - 2015 2016 - 2017 2018 - 2019 2020 - 2021 2022 - 2023 2024 - 2025



1980  •  25th Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic

President - Rosemary Heffley
Past President - Melva Sebesta
First Vice President - Jim Henderson
Second Vice President - Carroll Barnes
Third Vice President - Robert B. Buchanan
Fourth Vice President - Elena Ann Donald
Secretary - Teddye Brown
Treasurer - Eleanor K. Grant
Executive Secretary - Pat Patterson

Session Conductors

Richard Surface
Randy Talley
Dr Tom Shaw
Jon Johnson
Ken Mills
A Jeff Ingram
Dr Loyd Hawthorne
Debbie Bridges
Ann A. Buchanan
C J Leslie

Workshop Clinicians
Dr William Triplett - Heightening Musical Sensitivity
Dr Howard Doolin - Elementary
Sampy Wall - First Week of School
Betty Williams - Music and Movement
Jim Edwards - Miking Techniques

1981  •  26th Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic

President - Rosemary Heffley
Past President - Melva Sebesta
First Vice President - Jim Henderson
Second Vice President - Loyd Hawthorne
Third Vice President - Harlean Beal
Fourth Vice President - Elena Ann Donald
Secretary - Carol Pyle
Treasurer - Eleanor Grant
Executive Secretary - Pat Patterson

Session Conductors
Janet Lea Walker
Don Scargall
Alaire Lowly
John Ratledge
E. Maurice Alfred
Danny Hood
Garry Kesler
Linda Mulder
Billie Roberts
Sally Schott
Bill White
Kevin Crowell

Workshop Conductors
Harlean Beal - Elementary
Cloys Webb - Sightreading
Lamar Robertson - Kodaly
Mary Ann Vaughan - Musical I.Q
Emily Borling - Handbells
Carol Pyle - New to the Profession
Glenda Casey, Nick Boltz, Barbara Acreman, Frederica Braidfoot, Richard Surface, 
Henry Schraub
Linda Garcia - Keyboard
Bettye Gardner - Therapeutic Vocal Techniques
Sally Schott - Computer Run Auditions

1982  •  27th Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic

President - Carroll W. Barnes
Past President - Rosemary Heffley
First Vice President - Richard Surface
Second Vice President - Loyd Hawthorne
Third Vice President - Harlean Beal
Fourth Vice President - Linda Davis
Secretary - Carol Pyle
Treasurer - Margaret Cavenagh
Executive Secretary - Pat Patterson

Session Conductors
Bobbie Sumerlin
Dr Barbara Amen
Ara Carapetyan
Suzanne Medlen
Milton Pullen
Brad White
Glenda Casey
Kenny Sheppard
Dale Miller
Paula Edwards
Sally Schott
John Hornbeck
Dave Brewer

Workshop Clinicians
Twyla Kerlee - Elementary
Linda Anderson - Beginning Choirs
Patricia Stenberg - Recorder music
Ruth Whitlock - Middle School/ Styles
Dr Larry Rigby - New Text Book Review

1983  •  28th Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic

President - Carroll W. Barnes
Past President - Rosemary Heffley
First Vice President - Richard Surface
Second Vice President - David O. Llewellyn
Third Vice President - Marlene Murph
Fourth Vice President - Linda Davis
Secretary - Patty Davis
Treasurer - Margaret Cavenagh
Executive Secretary - Pat Patterson

Session Conductors
Don Waugh
Walter LaForge
Billy Talley
Patricia Neighbors
Bill Stroud
Don Balmos
Mary Ann Winden
Thomas J. Crow
Kay Sherrill
Betty Roe
Elena Donald
John Scarcella
Beverly Russell
Eugenie Littlefield
Dwain Marshall

Workshop Clinicians
Mary Goetze - Elementary
Bobby Siltman - Male and Female Choruses
Frederica Braidfoot - Sightreading
Tom Council - Pop/Novelty styles
Dr Richard F Woods - Extended Works for the Small Church Choir, Sammy Cowan, Mary Goetze, Gary Patterson
Woody Schrober - Community Children's Choirs

Special Occasion Concert
The Austin Chord Rangers, Bill Cormack, Conductor
San Antonio Chordsmen, Mac Huff, Conductor

1984  •  29th Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic

President - Nick Boltz
Past President - Carroll W. Barnes
First Vice President - Randy Talley
Second Vice President - David O Llewellyn
Third Vice President - Marlene Murphy
Fourth Vice President - John Hemmenway
Secretary - Patty Davis
Treasurer - Bobbie Douglass
Executive Secretary - Pat Patterson

Session Conductors
Bobbie Sumerlin
Michael Terrell
Nancy Kissinger
Doug McCause
Walter LaForge
Marsha Ray
Tom Jennings
Margaret Cavenagh
Tim King
Anne Bearden
John Scarcella

Jan Juneau
Steve Garms
Linda Price

Workshop Clinicians
Jean Ashworth-Gan - Elementary
Dottie Ferrington - Middle School Literature
Barbara Thomas - Vocal health
Richard Smith - Church Music