2005 - 2009 Conventions

The first two TCDA Conventions were held in Dallas, and all Conventions since have been held in San Antonio. Following is a recap of each Convention since 1955. This information was taken from Convention Programs and other archival references in the TCDA offices in Austin. Special thanks to former TCDA Executive Secretary J Marvin Pollard for gathering information from TCDA’s early years.

If you have any additional information that would make this TCDA Convention history more complete, please contact TCDA.

1955 - 1959 1960 - 1964 1965 - 1969 1970 - 1974 1975 - 1979 1980 - 1984
1985 - 1989 1990 - 1994 1995 - 1999 2000 - 2004 2005 - 2009 2010 - 2012
2013 - 2015 2016 - 2017 2018 - 2019 2020 - 2021 2022 - 2023 2024 - 2025


2005  •  50th Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic

President, Michael O'Hern

Past President, Dr Donald Bailey

President Elect, Danny Detrick

HS/College VP, Amy Allibon

MS/JH VP, Frank Bennett

Elementary VP, Connie Horton

Church/Com VP, Ronnie Sanders

Secretary/Treasurer, Beth Gove

Executive Director, Dan L Wood

Session Conductors

Shawn Bell, TMEA All State

Keith Brumfield, MS/JH Treble/Boys

Glenda Casey, Unison/SA

Pam Elrod, SATB General

Patti Freeman, Advanced JH/HS Training

Mikey Hawke-McDermott, Pop/Jazz

Roger Keele, Sacred Sampler

Robert Stovall, Holiday/Seasonal

Lisa Wheeler, MS/JH General

Harry Wooten, Sacred/U-2-part

Student Conductors
Josh Allen, HS/Co/Treble-Men, 
David Bracken, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Rebekah Browning, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Richard Carrillo, HS/Co/Treble-Men, 
Austin Daniel, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Karla Dickson, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Megan Douglas, HS/Co/Treble-Men, 
Jared Duncan, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Leah Edmondson, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Tammie Rae Garza, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Yvette Garza, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Stephen Gusukuma, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Helena Hernandez, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Amy Kelley, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Jenni Kennedy, HS/Co/Treble-Men, 
Iris Park, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Megan Richards, HS/Co/Treble-Men,
Trevin Woods, HS/Co/Treble-Men

Sandy Cawley, El – Get Them Singing

Christina Chapman, MS/JH/HS – Women Teaching Boys

Lori-Anne Dolloff, El – All Around the Circle

Lori-Anne Dolloff, El – Approach to Cultural Diversity

Lori-Anne Dolloff, El – Singing Our Traditions

Deidre Douglas, El/MS/JH/HS – What You Didn’t Learn in College

Laura Farnell – Trading Spaces: Planning for the Substitute Teacher
Benjamin Harlan, Ch/Cm – Trends In Worship

Ann Hastings, El/MS/JH/HS – What You Didn’t Learn in College

Bob Horton Trading Spaces: Planning for the Substitute Teacher

Bob Horton, El/MS/JH/HS – What You Didn’t Learn in College

Yvonne Jaggard, Ch/Cm – Tried & True

Ray Jones, Ch/Cm – Contemporary Music: Putting It Together

Vicke King, Ch/Cm – Tried & True

Candy McComb, HS/Co – Extreme Makeover for Female Directors

Terry Morris, Ch/Cm – Tried & True

Lindy Perez, El – Technique for Building Tone

Jonathan Reed, HS/Col – Inviting Testosterone to Rehearsal; Men’s Choir 101

Jonathan Reed, HS/Col – Inviting Energy to Rehearsal

Jonathan Reed, HS/Col – Involving Your choristers in the Interpretive Process

Kenneth Sheppard, HS/Col/SS – Community Choirs: Beyond the Ordinary

Dr Sandra Snow, El/MS/JH – Choral Rehearsal Techniques

Dr Sandra Snow, El/MS/JH – Creating Beautiful Tone

Dr Betsy Weber, SS – Organizational Meeting

LuAnn Lane, 
Scott Ayers
, Yvonne Jaggard, 
Debbie Barkey
, Marcus Bradford
, Rae Moses, 
Laura Taylor
, Charlene Wright

2005 TCDA Commissioned Works
Neverending Song of Praise, Cindy Berry

Courage Lives!, Mark Patterson

Herding Song, Dr Lori-Anne Dolloff

The Rose & the Gardener, Eleanor Daley

Performing Groups:
Austin Vocal Arts Ensemble - Dr Kenneth Sheppard, conductor

Community Bible Church, San Antonio - Ray Jones, conductor

BBQ Entertainment:
Vince Vance & the Valiants

Sponsored by Pepper of Dallas/Fort Worth

2005 Scholarship Recipients:
TCDA 50th Anniversary Scholarship, Carisa Niemeyer

TCDA/Gandy Ink Scholarship, Sarah Dent

TCDA Past Presidents' Scholarship, Jenni Kennedy

TCDA/William Gorham Scholarship, Sarah Boswell

TCDA/Abbott-IPCO Professional Scholarship, Julie An Yu

TCDA/Glenda Casey Professional Scholarship, Richard Robbins

2005 TCDA Awards:
Texas Choirmaster’s Award:
James A Moore
Texas Choral Excellence Award:
Glenda Casey, 
John Hemmenway
, Janet Scarcella
, Ronald Shirey,

Dr Robert Young

TCDA Service Award

M G Garvin
, Dan L Wood

2005 Special Events:
50th Anniversary DVD Presentation of TCDA's First 50 Years, prepared by TCDA President Michael O'Hern

Keynote by Tim Lautzenheiser

TCDA Directors Chorus - Past President Glenda Casey, conductor

2006  •  51st Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic

President, Danny Detrick

Past President, Michael O'Hern

HS/College VP, Jeff Rice

MS/JH VP, Joel Price

Elementary VP: Connie Horton

Church/Com VP, Ronnie Sanders

Secretary/Treasurer, Mary Jane Phillips

Executive Director, Dan L Wood

Session Conductors

Shawn Bell, TMEA All State

Kim Bryce, Sacred Mixed 

Perry Dean, Sacred Sampler

Tom Gabrielsen, Holiday/Seasonal

Greg Haugen, Treble/Boys

Dianna Jarvis, MS/JH General

Jami Lupold, Unison/SA

Merry Marcotte, Advanced MS/JH Training

Dinah Menger, Pop/Jazz

Dr Mark Rohwer, SATB General

Julie Vandervleit, Sacred/U-2-part 
Student Conductors, Treble/Men

Student Conductors
Joshua Brown, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Annie Byrom, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, David Castillo, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Ronnie Mac Chestnut, Jr, HS/Co/Treble-Men, 
Eric Contreras, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Mitchell Galloway-Edgar, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Landon Gilmore, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Thomas Hemminger, HS/Co/Treble-Men, 
Adam Hightower, HS/Co/Treble-Men, 
Donna Hogan, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Elizabeth Johnson, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Amanda Maitlen, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Paige McManus, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Diana Rogers Taylor, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Christin Toerner, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Jorge Torres, HS/Co/Treble-Men
, Christa Wright, HS/Co/Treble-Men, 
Jennifer Crocker Young, HS/Co/Treble-Men


Mark Baker, MS/JH—Reel ‘em In . . . Hook, Line, and Singer

Tammy Benton, MS/JH—Reel ‘em In . . . Hook, Line, and Singer 

Julieanne Best, HS/Col—Say What?  Foreign Language Diction

Karen Bryan, EL—So You Teach TAKS, too?

John Choins, Ch/Com—Youth Choir 101

Dr John Dickson, HS/Col—Conducting Extravaganza

Ruth Dwyer, EL—Choral Rehearsal Techniques

Ruth Dwyer, EL—Selecting Quality Literature

Kai Gilbertson, MS/JH/HS—Teaching Culturally diverse Students

Dr Allen Hightower, HS/Col—Conducting Extravaganza

Beverly Hirsch, MS/JH—Tried & Proven Literature

Scott Houston, MS/JH—Tried & Proven Literature

Christine Jones, MS/JH—Reel ‘em In . . . Hook, Line, and Singer

Janie Kohlman, EL—Tried & True Favorites 

Cynthia Nott, EL—Tried & True Favorites

Tammy Patterson, SS/MS/JH/HS—Preparing for a New Job 

Florence Scattergood, HS/Col—Artistry Through Unity

Randy Talley, SS/MS/JH/HS—Preparing for a New Job 

Leslie Tanner, MS/JH—Tried & Proven Literature

Dr Betsy Cook Weber, HS/Col—Conducting Extravaganza

Brad White, SS/MS/JH/HS—Preparing for a New Job

Dr Clell Wright,Ch/Com—Using volunteers

Jeffery Ames
, Jimmy Baas
, Robin Brockway, 
Tracy Carroll, 
Peggy Graff
, Yvonne Jaggard
, Melanie Moore, 
Janet Scarcella, 
Toni Worley

2006 TCDA Commissioned Works:
Wind, Mary Lynn Lightfoot

Performing Groups
Texas Baptist All-State Master’s Singers - Dr Loyd Hawthorne, conductor

South Main Baptist Church, Houston - Thomas Coker, conductor

BBQ Entertainment

Musical Comedian Tim Hawkins

Sponsored by Pepper of Dallas/Fort Worth

2006 TCDA Scholarship Recipients
TCDA/Carroll Barnes Scholarship, Joshua Brown

TCDA/Gandy Ink Scholarship, Eric Czechowski

TCDA/William Gorham Scholarship, Jennifer Kennedy
TCDA Past Presidents' Scholarship, Julie Yu

TCDA General Scholarship, Christopher Czechowski

TCDA General Scholarship, Stephan Gusukuma

TCDA General Scholarship, Micah Peacock
TCDA General Scholarship, Kate Schneider

TCDA/Abbott-IPCO Professional Scholarship,
Lesa Gurley

TCDA/Glenda Casey Professional Scholarship, 
David Edmonds

2006 TCDA Awards
Texas Choral Excellence Award: 
Betsy Henderson,
Terry Price

2007  •  52nd Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic

President, Danny Detrick

Past President, Michael O'Hern

HS/College VP, Jeff Rice

MS/JH VP, Joel Price

Elementary VP: Debra Beam Moses

Church VP, Don Shelley

Secretary/Treasurer, Mary Jane Phillips

Executive Director, Dan L Wood

Session Conductors

Denise Eaton, TMEA All State

Leroy Yarborough, Sacred Mixed

Chris Caffee, Sacred Sampler
Les Cole, Holiday/Seasonal

Jennie Crawford, MS/JH Treble/Boys

Mark Lewis, MS/JH General

Brenda Keen, Unison/SA

Kendra Wilson, Advanced JH/HS Training

Brian McKinney, Pop/Jazz

John McLean, HS SATB

Louise Avant, Sacred/U-2-part
 Student Conductors, HS Treble/Men

Student Conductors
Jennifer Alarcon
, Cirilo Campos, 
Justin Duncan
, Keith Earle, 
Tonya Ellis, 
Lindsey Fleming
, Cesar Galaviz
, Ben Gardner
, Brooke Holyoak
, Elsa Humphreys
, James Kimmel
, Jacob Lowry, 
Amanda McKendree
, Jenna Purkey
, Audrey Quintero
, Ryan Rancom, 
Matthew Spitsberg, 
Jennifer Weems

Margaret Hubbard, Singing Games for Upper Elementary

Janeal Crabb Krehbiel, Choral Rehearsal Technique I, II, III

Nancy Kissinger, Church – Graded Children's Literature 

Kay Sherrill, HS Tried & Proven Literature

Rosemary Heffley, Robert H Young, Legends in Texas Choral Music: Retired & Inspired

Connie Horton, Choir Camp – Get 'em Singing and S'more!

Diane Brumley, Student Teaching to Teaching Students

Dianne Jarvis, Leslie Tanner, New to the PML 1, 2, 3

Dr Anton Armstrong, Body, Mind, Spirit, Voice I, II

Karen Bryan, So You Teach TAKS, Too? I, II 

Barbara Stevenson, iNeed iPod iNfo!

Jommy Wallace, Need a Cardiologist?

Dr John Silantien, Hooked on Classics: Programming Historical Literature

Denise Eaton, Dinah Menger, New to the PML 4, 5, 6

Terrie Preskitt-Brown, How Many OTA Programs Do I Need?

Dr Elaine Heath, Worship Awareness

Dr John Dickson, College Student Roundtable

Paul Magyar, Church Tried & Proven Literature

Dr Donald Bailey, Dr Loyd Hawthorne, Dr James Morrow, Conducting Masterclass

Kelly Flores, Craig Griffith, Jerry Perales, Successful Strategies for Teaching Boys

Terri Preskitt-Brown, Getting Music Out of Your Musical

Deidre Douglas, Barbara Murphy Frank, Robert Stoval, Sightreading: "You Say "Ray", I Say "Reh'"

Tracy Carroll, Matthew Crosby, 
Patti Freeman
, Jae Ha, 
Dr Allen Hightower, 
Georgia Kornegay
, Duncan McMahan
, Jennifer Zaccagni

2007 TCDA Commissioned Works
I Will Arise and Make Music, Laura Farnell

For the Sake of the Children, Dr Jeffery L Ames 

Performing Groups
Schola Cantorum of Texas - Dr Donald Bailey, conductor

University United Methodist Church Choir - Marc Erck, conductor

BBQ Entertainment

Sponsored by Pepper of Dallas/Fort Worth

2007 TCDA Scholarship Recipients
TCDA/Cloys Webb Scholarship, Amey Szanto-Nicodemus

TCDA/Carroll Barnes Scholarship, Elizabeth Edwards

TCDA/Gandy Ink Scholarship, Lindsey Welch

TCDA/William Gorham Scholarship, Betsy Clark

TCDA Past Presidents' Scholarship, Zach Zeman

TCDA General Scholarship, John Gallagher

TCDA General Scholarship, Anan Trawick

TCDA General Scholarship, Julie  Breeden

TCDA/Abbott-IPCO Professional Scholarship, Amanda Quist

TCDA/Jim & Glenda Casey Professional Scholarship, Eduardo Garcia-Novelli

2007 TCDA Awards
Texas Choirmaster Award:
 Dr Kenneth Fulton
Texas Choral Excellence Award:
 Dennis Boyter
, Rosemary Heffley
Distinguished young Director Award:
 Jennie Crawford
, David Landgrebe

2007 Special Events
TCDA Directors Chorus - Dr Anton Armstrong, conductor

2008  •  53rd Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic


President, Bob Horton

Past President, Danny Detrick

College VP, John Dickson

HS VP, Billy Talley

MS/JH VP, Kathy Lollar

Elementary VP, Debra Beam Moses

Church VP, Don Shelley

Secretary/Treasurer, Janwin Overstreet-Goode

Executive Director, Dan L Wood

Session Conductors
Perry Dean, HS SATB

Denise Eaton, TMEA All-State

Pam Elrod, Advanced HS/Col

Bryce Gage, Pop Jazz

Kristen Gossett, Sacred U/2-Part

Craig Griffith, MS/JH General 

Greg Hobbs, Sacred Mixed Large Choir

Laura Jenschke, Unison S/A

Tim King, Advanced HS/Col

Sherry Miller, Advanced JH/HS Training

Cara Naiszer, MS/JH Treble/Boys

Gregory Pysh, Sacred Mixed Small Choir

David Rives, Holiday/Seasonal

Student Conductors — HS/Treble Men:
Brianna Bailey, West Texas A&M
, Stephanie Charba, Del Mar, 
Katelyn Farris, TCU
, Tiffany Greathouse, Texas Tech
, John Magee, Texas Tech
, Kristen Magruder, UT San Antonio, 
Gregory McDaniel, University of Houston, 
Mary-Margaret Meyer, Texas Weslyan University
, Victor Moore, UT Arlington
, Jesus (Willie) Morales, UT Brownsville
, Michelle Sanguinetti, University of North Texas
, Brian Shane, Sam Houston State University
, Ryan Smith, Stephen F Austin University, 
Jake Taylor, Stephen F Austin University
, Courtney Wind, Lamar University
, Bonnie Wolfe, Texas State University, 
Dona Yerkes, Mary-Hardin Baylor, 
Christen Zbranek, Baylor University

Linda Arbolino, Listening Stategies

Mark Baker, MS/JH/HS Tried & Proven Literature

Vicki Baker, 4X4 Solutions

Cora Bigwood, Orff Accompaniment with Curriculum Songs

Scott Boiles , Creating a Choir Website

Kristen Bredemeyer, Mentoring Panel

Chris Caffe, You Make My Heart Sing

Bob Chilcott, finding Vocal and Musical Shape and Colour Through Text

The English Muse – Ideas On the Performance and Shape of English Music
Karl Dent, Vocal Pedagogy in the Choral Rehearsal

Robin Dent, Mentoring Panel

Bobbie Douglass, Five Things I Would Do Differently

Dr Pamela Elrod, Conducting Masterclass

Patricia Fleming, Mentoring Panel

Dr Charles Hausmann, Developing a Church Orchestra

Anne Hastings, More Than Just a Game; Giving Students Ownership

Dianne Jarvis, MS/JH/HS Tried & Proven Literature

Margaret Jordan, Issues with the Adolescent Female Voice

Phyllis King, Classroom Conducting; Part Work: Always Looking for More

Dr Tim King, Conducting Masterclass

Glen Miller, Always Early, Never Sick

Sharon Miller, Always Early, Never Sick

Jim Moore, Five Things I Would Do Differently

Terry Price, Effective Rehearsals A-Z

Dr Sharon Radionoff, Why Are My Industrious Students Having Vocal Difficulties?

Jo Scurlock-Dillard, I Feel Pretty 

Mona Sinclair, MS/JH/HS Tried & Proven Literature

Tammy Stallcup, Recruiting Boys

Dr Morris Stevens, Five Things I Would Do Differently

Anne Tomlinson, Elementary Rehearsal Techniques; Building Vocal and Choral Technique

Kasey Wilson, Mentoring Panel


Paula Brewer
, Georgia Kornegay, 
LuAnn Lane
, Rae Moses, 
Patricia Neighbors, 
Janet Scarcella, 
Lonnie Tanner
, Judith York, 
Kathryn Zetterstrom

2008 TCDA Commissioned Works

Morning Has Broken, Bob Chilcott

Little David, Play on Your Harp, Rollo Dilworth

Performing Groups
Houston Chamber Choir -  Robert Simpson, conductor 

Marvin United Methodist Church Chancel Choir - Frode Gundersen, conductor 

TCDA Elementary Honor Choir 2008 - Anne Tomlinson, conductor

BBQ Entertainment
Taylor Mason!

Sponsored by Pepper of Dallas/Fort Worth

2008 TCDA Scholarship Recipients
TCDA/Cloys Webb Scholarship, Heath Farr

TCDA/Carroll Barnes Scholarship, Jonathan Coffield

TCDA/Gandy Ink Scholarship, Marla McClung

TCDA/William Gorham Scholarship, Katelyn Farris

TCDA Past Presidents' Scholarship, Jennette Roesner

TCDA General Scholarship, Samantha Kleypas

TCDA General Scholarship, Cameron LaBarr

TCDA General Scholarship, James Kimmnel

TCDA General Scholarship, Holly Jo Clark

TCDA General Scholarship, Melissa Rooklidge

TCDA/Abbott-IPCO Professional Scholarship, Fidel Lozano

TCDA/Jim & Glenda Casey Professional Scholarship, Erin Norvelle

2008 TCDA Awards
Texas Choirmaster Award:
 Dr Donald Bailey
Texas Choral Excellence Award:
 Carroll Barnes, 
Barbara Perkins, 
Sally Schott
Distinguished young Director Award:
 Heather Sharp, 
Natalie Waters, 
Kasey Wilson
TCDA Service Award:
 Arthur Gurwitz & Southern Music Company

2008 Special Events

Headliners —
Bob Chilcott, clinician, Commissioned Work

Rollo Dilworth, Commissioned Work

Anne Tomlinson, 2008 Elementary Honor Choir

2009  •  54th Annual Convention & New Music Reading Clinic

President, Bob Horton

Past President, Danny Detrick

College VP, John Silantien 

HS VP, Billy Talley 

MS/JH VP, Kathy Lollar

Elementary VP, Karen Gonzalez

Church VP, Thomas Coker 

Secretary/Treasurer, Janwin Overstreet-Goode

Executive Director, Dan L Wood

Session Conductors
Judy Bowers, MS/JH Honor Choir 

Dennis Boyter, Advanced HS/College 

Jennie Crawford, MS/JH Treble 

Kyle Damron, Sacred General 

Michael Dean, Poo/Jazz 

Pam Elam, Sacred U/2-part 

Brett Farr, Holiday/Seasonal 

Allen Hightower, Sacred Advanced 

Michael Mattlock, Advanced MS/JH Training 

Terrie Preskitt-Brown, Unison/SA 

Mark Rohwer, HS SATB 

Joe Weir, TMEA All-State 

Timothy Winebrenner, MS/JH Boys

Student Conductors — HS/Treble Men

Alyssa Bradford, UT San Antonio
, Jonathan Coffield, Baylor University
, Trenton Davis, UT Permian Basin, Audrey Bornbusch, Texas State University
, Alfonso Gonzalez, UT Brownsville, 
Keith Lathrom, Sam Houston State University, 
Henrietta Lusk, Sam Houston State University
, Kaitlyn Carty, Texas Woman's University
, Brian Murray, University of North Texas
, Brandon Nichols, Stephen F Austin University
, John Nurge, University of North Texas
, Colin Powell, Stephen F Austin University
, Bryan Pulver, Texas State University, 
Cordierro Lance Richardson, Prairie View A&M University
, Adrian Rodriguez, University of Houston, 
Allison Smith, Del Mar University, 
Michael J Vasquez, UT San Antonio, Jill Veiga, Baylor University

Trudy Armas, Elementary Music/Choir — Where Do I Start? 

Judy Bowers, Rehearsal Techniques; Choral Pedagogy: Contempary Methods 

Ann Burbridge, Elementary Music/Choir — Where Do I Start?

Stephen Carrell, Thriving Church Youth Choirs

Kathy Chiles, Elementary Tried & Proven Literature 

Thomas Coker, Tried & Proven Church Literature

Susan Elliott, Beat Beneath the Sound 

Gwen Farris, Musical Menus (M&M0)s 

Ken Fulton, Concucting Masterclass 

James Green, Muisc Bits & Bytes 

John Hemmenway, Tried & Proven Church Literature 

Connie Horton, Differentiated Instruction: Sing, Move, Dance, and Play Your Way to Music Literacy 

Jing Ling-Tam, Concucting Masterclass 

Julie Lyonn Lieberman, The Green Anthem 

Cyndie Lowry, Differentiated Instruction: Sing, Move, Dance, and Play Your Way to Music Literacy 
Patricia Moreno, Children as Performers and Thinkers 

Bill Nave, What I Never Knew About Handbells; Bronze — Advanced Handbells 

John Nix, Using VoceVista Software in Rehearsal 

Weston Noble, A Conversation with Weston Noble

Cynthia Nott, But I Play Tuba! 

Mary Jane Phillips, Making Sightreading Fun 

Sharon Radionoff, Boy's Changing Voice
Lisa Roebuck, Children as Performers and Thinkers 

John Scarcella, Tried & Proven Church Literature 

Sally Schott, A Conversation with Weston Noble

Heather Sharp, Tactical to Practicle — Tips for the New Teacher 

Tim Sharp, Teaching Your Choir to Watch 

Z Randall Stroope, Music and the Mind I & II 

Barry Talley, I Ca't Hear You! — Silent Approach to Sight Singing 

Kay Vanlandingham, Starting a TFME Chapter 

Will Varner, Beat Beneath the Sound

Lisa Witwer, Elementary Music/Choir — Where Do I Start?

Rod Zeman, Recruitment

Karla Cruz, Patti Freeman
, Peggy Graff
, Patricia Neighbors, 
Janet Pummill, 
Daryl Robinson
, Janet Scarcella, 
Laura Taylor
, Will Varner
, Jennifer Zaccagni

2009 TCDA Commissioned Works
In Time of Silver Rain, René Clausen 

The Elm Tree, Earlene Rentz 

Performing Groups
Arlington Master Chorale - Randy Jordan, conductor

First Baptist Chapel Singers, San Antonio - Stephen Carrell, conductor 

First Presbyterian Choir, Houston, John Yarrington, conductor
Palmer Episcopal Treble Choir, Courtney Daniell-Knapp, conductor 
TCDA MS/JH Honor Choir 2009, Judy Bowers, conductor 
TCDA Directors Chorus, ZX Ranall Stroope, conductor

TCDA's Got Talent!
TCDA Member Performers

Distinguished Panel of Judges: Judy Bowers, Weston Noble, Z Randall Stroope 

Sponsored by Pepper of Dallas/Fort Worth

2008 TCDA Scholarship Recipients
TCDA/Cloys Webb Scholarship, Anna Trawick 

TCDA/Carroll Barnes Scholarship, Alyssa Bradford 

TCDA/Gandy Ink Scholarship, Christen Zbranek 

TCDA/William Gorham Scholarship, Gregory McDaniel

TCDA Past Presidents' Scholarship, Betsy Clark

TCDA General Scholarship, Elizabeth Avant

TCDA/Abbott-IPCO Professional Scholarship, Patricia Garrett

TCDA/Jim & Glenda Casey Professional Scholarship, Christina Chapman

2009 TCDA Awards
Texas Choral Excellence Award:
 Barbara Perkins, 
Loyd Hawthorne
Distinguished Young Director Award:
 Antoinette Murphy Harris
, Kim Eder Ahrens

2009 Special Events
Convention Headliners —
Weston Noble, clinician

Z Randall Stroope, clinician, Directors Chorus conductor

Earlene Rentz, Commissioned Work 

René Clausen, Commissioned Work 

Judy Bowers, 2009 MS/JH Honor Choir